Bell Mail

How to set up Bell Mail in Windows Live Mail 2011

You can use Windows® Live Mail 2011 to send, receive and manage your Bell Mail messages.

1. In Windows Live Mail 2011, click Accounts.

2. Click Email.

3. Enter your Bell Mail address.

4. Enter your Bell Mail password.

5. For the display name, enter your name.

6. Select Manually configure server settings.

7. Click Next.

8. For the incoming server address, enter

9. Under the incoming server address, select Requires a secure connection (SSL).

10. For the logon user name, enter your Bell Mail address.

11. For the outgoing server address, enter

12. Under the outgoing server address, select Requires a secure connection (SSL).

13. Select Requires authentication.

14. Click Next.

15. The email account has been added. Click Finish.