Guide for administrators

How to reset a user’s password

1. After logging in, click the Users tab.

Note: Group administrators land directly on Users tab after logging in.

2. Perform a search to find the user you want to reset the password for.

Note: To see the full list of users, leave the search field blank before clicking Search. Otherwise, the following searches are supported:

  • Phone number – Enter the phone number without spaces, but may include a dash and parentheses (ie. (613)111-2222)
  • Phone extension – Prefix ‘x’ followed by numbers only (ie. x255)
  • Last name – Enter the user's last name (ie. Smith)
  • Full name – Enter the user's first name followed by a last name (ie. Jack Smith)

3. Click on the user you want to reset the password for.

4. Click My profile to access the user’s Profile page.

5. Click Passwords located in the sub-level menu.

6. Click Manage passwords located in the left menu.

7. Select either Set web portal access password or Set voice portal and IP Voice Anywhere passcode, depending on the one you want to reset.

8. For the web portal access password, enter the new password and then re-enter the password for verification.

Note: This password must contain at least six characters, including at least one number, one upper-case letter and one lower-case letter. It must not contain the user’s login ID or previous password.

9. For the voice portal and IP Voice Anywhere passcode, enter the new passcode and then re-enter the passcode for verification.

Note: The IP Voice Anywhere passcode must be between six to eight digits in length. It must not contain the user’s previous passcode, his or her extension or office phone number, or a string of repeated digits (ie. 111111).

10. To save your changes, click Save and you will be returned to the previous page. To exit without saving, click Cancel.